Toscad’s MAN OF THE WEEK: I Fight for Democracy and Justice – Civil Society Activist, Okpanachi Jacob

I Fight for Democracy and Justice… Meeting Societal Needs Through Advocacy and Civil Actions – Civil Society Activist, Okpanachi Jacob

…I wish my dream of equity, social justice and elimination or total reduction of extreme social and economic inequality be achieved through continuous advocacy in this interview with a Civil Society Activist, Okpanachi Jacob sought to know his motivation, and how to remain objective in the face of diverse societal issues… enjoy!

1. As a civil society leader what inspired your journey into civil society advocacy and what keeps you motivated despite the challenges?

I am happy for this great opportunity first and foremost; I was motived by knowledge and quest for more knowledge this I owe to my late father who encouraged me to read at an early age; he made sure I had newspaper supplies even in primary school; fast forward to later years at secondary school where I had read a lot of books before getting to senior secondary; this consciousness needed ventilation through practicality of knowledge gained thus as soon as I entered the university unionism provided this needed window for the desired ventilation…..i started as mobilization
Officer in NANS in 1996 then later Became SUG Public relation Officer (PRO) in 1998/99 and later became Zonal Coordinator, National Association Of Nigerian Students (NANS) in 2000 under the leadership of Comrade Philip
Shuaibu the immediate past deputy Governor of Edo State. If you ask of my motivation I will still say it is knowledge of the times ( like the children of Issachar in the bible)

2. How do you balance personal beliefs with the need to remain objective when addressing diverse societal issues?

Of course it is simple when you allow yourself to drift most times towards what you believe and derive pleasure in doing that will be solved automatically, I try to fit into meeting societal needs through advocacy and civil actions and each time I do so my spirit feel so excited down to the deepest recess of my consciousness thus I hate injustice in any of its form and will always stand against it.

3. Can you share a defining moments in your career that shaped your approach to activism or community engagement?

The cardinal moment started during my University years when I started attending activities of National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS) back in 1996 as a year one student; then student activism was for the
intelligent students irrespective of discipline as there was need to confront the military junta on many National issues; yes it was risky but as youths the excitement was embedded in that risk most especially been imbued with the consciousness of fighting for democracy and justice; it was an unforgettable experience.

4. What values guides your decision making and how do you ensure those values remain reflected in your organization’s work?

One of the major value is placed in ensuring I maintain my integrity irrespective of the situation. It is the most costly and most irredeemable asset for any human being if lost; thus it is sacrosanct to ensure it is not
placed on any price as it is priceless. The other value is anchored on the words of my late Principal Mr J.A. Musa “what is worth doing at all is worth doing well” I cannot be stripped on guard as I do my best to remain
consistent with this values that have become a character and of course as intangibles as they seems they cannot but reflect on my organization’s work

5. Looking ahead, what legacy would you like to leave behind for future generations of civil society advocate?

I wish my dream of equity, social justice and elimination or total reduction of extreme social and economic inequality be achieved through continuous advocacy; a duty that is owed by the next generation of social crusaders thus I will leave behind a legacy of zero tolerance to inequality don’t forget Frantz Fanon once said “Each generation must, out of relative obscurity, discover its mission, fulfill it, or betray it.


Okpanachi Jacob is an human resource expert with interest in peace and conflict management, he is known for public analysis on critical national issues an Agriculturist by training with a first degree in Animal production and an Msc. Agricultural Economics in view, he also has a certificate in Peace and conflict analysis and certificate in Conflict Management both from United Institute of Peace (USIP), He currently works as consultant to many organization amongst which are Consultant Programme Manager, Sustainable Initiative for Nurturing Growth (SING), Director for Research and Documentation African Youth Initiative for Crime Prevention (AYICRIP), Public Relations Officer Education for Justice, a UNODC project, and National Coordinator, African Poverty Alleviation Initiative (APAI). He is a renowned activist and public commentator.

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