Brewery Makes Beer from Urine, Sewage Water, In Singapore

By: Ngozi Anna Akunne

A brewery, Brewerkz in Singapore in partnership with the country’s nationwide water company, PUB has produced beer from urine and sewage water.

The beer named NEWBrew has been made from recycled urine and sewage water due to the shortage of the Island Asian nation’s natural water sources, which extremely dependent on rainfall.

This environmental depravity has made forced Singapore to depend on desalination plants that turn seawater into drinkable water by removing salts and minerals through a process known as reverse osmosis.

According to New York Post, the recycled water from urine and sewage is labelled NEWater, and first introduced in 2003.

It also reported that countries and cities such as Israel, Los Angeles and London that lack freshwater sources and have been plagued by water scarcity have either incorporated the technology or are considering doing so.

It was gathered that the alcoholic beverages have been in the country’s stores from May 2022 and many more were brewed in June to increase the quantity nationwide, adding that the result is a beer that tastes like well, beer, with no hint of its unpleasant origins.

“NEWWater, perfectly suits brewing because it tastes neutral. The mineral profile of water plays a key role in chemical reactions during brewing” Brewerkz’s head brewer Mitch Gribov said.

A 52-year-old Singaporean, Grace Chen who had tasted the beer said: “If you don’t tell people it’s made from wastewater, they probably won’t know.”


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